Freedom of Passion during a Pandemic!

I know we are sick of listening and talking about COVID-19 aka Novel Coronavirus. This disease has impacted millions of people around the world (directly or indirectly), but there is another aspect of the virus no one is looking at; “The Freedom of Passion.”

Before COVID-19, my eMag; RepYoGrind, had taken a nose dive due to my relocation back to my home state as well as working a demanding full-time job. I constantly battled fatigue to edit and upload material until I just said; let me put this to the side until I can dedicate more time and energy to the craft I love.

Over the past 3 yrs, I have uploaded only three are four articles, but always visited the site -developing new ways to make it better, but still not in full swing.

The change…

When the Coronavirus hit in mid-February and March, I found myself glued to the television in disbelief of all the deaths in China than in April on every channel -heart aching devastation across the World due to the disease that left me heartbroken and in tears.

Not a watcher of television, but I love these channels HGTV, The Weather Channel, or Youtube. Now, I am getting up early in the morning with a cup of coffee watching the News -getting more and more depressed and sorrow of what others are experiencing.

COVID affects hit home…

When I became laid off, I found myself relaxing at home day in and day out doing absolutely nothing until I was like hold on, this is a blessing in disguise. I know you may say, “that’s crazy,” but true. I remember my mom would say, “There are two sides to every coin.” I know there are a lot of bad things about the virus but there are some good…that is coming out as well.

May passion is freed…

One morning I looked over at the computer on the table and was like,“WOW, this is the best time to get back to my Grind.” I opened my laptop and began looking at the older articles and materials -re-sharing them online to get the buzz back buzzing. Then, I contact some old business-ship people to get the scoop on the latest Grinders for future articles. Believe it or not, this is the best opportunity to get your business started or ignite your passion again because money is flowing everywhere, now there is time to research, plan, and develop your craft. I know people around you are sick and even dying but you aren’t, yet.

Nicki Minaj ft. Drake, “Moment for Life“. The lyric Drake spoke, ” Everybody die but not everybody Live”. Those words Knocked me off my feet. I had to take a seat and think about my life and the current situation at head.

Are you going to make the best out of an ugly situation? This is the time to write your book, take those pictures, upload that funny video, or interview the next big star. Whatever your passion is… it’s time to develop that dream. Nothing lasts forever, capture the moment and be who you always wanted to be. Don’t look around at the current circumstance, it will hinder you; look at the silver lining. TIME TO DO THAT THING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO. You have the time…use it.

Are you still seating there masked-up? Just get up and get out and do something!!! (Goodie Mob)

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