Walk in Freedom As the Real You

bishop morton

The real you may be imprisoned within the walls of a false self.  This can be a serious problem if, for instance, you believe the lie that you have to prove to others that you are somebody.  This might cause you to run around like a crazy person for the rest of your life, trying to please everyone around you, and not accomplishing much.  You’re God’s special child, with a unique purpose and destiny, and therefore, you need not prove anything to anyone.

It doesn’t matter what other people think or say.  We must learn to appreciate ourselves regardless of what other people think about us.

Pause for a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you begin to search for your true self.  Ask Him to help you recognize and accept truth when and where you find it-even if it hurts.  Jesus said:

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13

            When the Holy Spirit comes into your heart, if you need direction and guidance, He will furnish it.  He will guide you into “all truth,” and that includes all truth about yourself.

The real you do not have to prove that you are somebody.  You don’t have to buy people things to prove who you are.  You don’t have to do something for them in order to win them over.  Be who you are, trusting God to make you the very best person you can be.

Accept yourself as you are today, and work to make yourself what you want to be tomorrow.  This change attitude will produce a corresponding change in everything about your life.

2 thoughts on “Walk in Freedom As the Real You

  1. LOVING This!!!!!!!!!!………you know how it is when you havent been to church in a while and you go and it seems as if every word of the sermen is directed to you?……thats how i felt when i read this….and i go to church EVERY Sunday…..so i thank GOD for sending and using you to speak and touch my spirit as im sure you will do to many others!……..GOD BLESS!

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