Fit Girls ROCK…

Erika Buffaloe, Founder/CEO

Fit Girls ROCK Baltimore, LLC

RYG: Would you tell us a little about Erika behind the “Fit Girls ROCK B’more, LLC? 
 I was born and raised in Baltimore, graduated from Western Senior High School and Morgan State University. Earned my Masters degree from Walden University in Strategic and Integrated Human Resources one month before starting Fit Girls ROCK BMore, LLC (FGRB). In addition to being the President & Founder of FGRB, I am also the Publicist for Tavon Mason & the Tavon Mason Loves the Kids Foundation, a Women’s Sports Writer for UnKut Sports Magazine, and Human Resources Professional. The decision to change my life was driven by a series of life changing events. In 2006 my mother passed from congestive heart failure, in 2008 my father passed from his final stroke, my marriage ended in 2008 and I was left to make some very serious decisions quickly about the rest of my life. During this time in my life I felt very alone and regretted many of the decisions I had made in my past that weren’t really for me. I began using a personal trainer shortly after my mothers passing to help me with my anger. Yes, I said anger, I was angry as HELL that my mom left me in my early twenties…..I lost 20 pounds in 30 days, I was focused. fitgirlsUnfortunately, the momentum was short lived. I was working out to emotionally feel better and I only moved when Julie, the trainer directed me to. I wasn’t ready to change my entire lifestyle yet. In 2010, I discovered ZUMBA, it was love at first dance, however I still had excuses (my work and school schedule) I only had the pleasure of attending classes during winter break (3weeks), this time I lost 20 pounds again. Notice a pattern, I thought I was ready but full of excuses. After finishing undergraduate school, I decided to add ZUMBA to my weekly routine, I started going 3 to 4 times a week and although I asked others to join me, they all knew that this time I would go alone, no excuses. As the seasons changed, I remained consistent with my classes. I was in love with the feeling ZUMBA gave me. I seen my body, attitude and spirit change before me and I loved it! I knew that this time, I was ready to change ME. I made a choice that I encourage everyone to make I chose ME. I began my fitness journey at 235 pounds, wearing a size 16 and today I weigh 165 pounds and wear a size 6.
RYG: What was the major component to starting “Fit Girls ROCK B’more, LLC?
As my urge and cravings to workout grew to adding group personal training sessions, gym dates with my girls, boot camp training sessions, and now a FGRB movement.  I learned that in order to change my body and build the body of my dreams, I needed to challenge myself. This was the beginning of the biggest challenge of my life……committing to help others change their lives by leading by example and hoping to encourage other women and girls to exercise their right to make better choices and get FIT.

fitgirls1My two partners (Yolanda Mitchell and Nicole Ellis) and I decided to not only build a Fit Girls ROCK fitness program, but lead a movement where women (men and children) get fit! Today, FGRB is working on offering an array of fitness services for the entire Baltimore area and beyond. Founded in July of 2013, this is just the beginning of our fitness empire. 

 RYG: I read that you consider what happen in your family a curse. How did you bind that curse to start Fit Girls ROCK B’more?

Yes, I do believe that heart disease is a curse in the African American community. The death of my parents, really hit me hard and made me dig deep to try to figure out how I can prevent myself and others from becoming another statistic. What I failed to mention before is that  I also lost my Paternal Grandmother, Aunt, and 3 Uncles to heart disease related illnesses as well. Let’s just say, I was scared straight. My desire to encourage women and girls to exercise their right to make better decisions relates to changing lifestyles and starting a health and wellness revolution. A movement where the entire community gets involved and consciously focuses their energy on health and wellness.
 fitgirls4RYG:Explain the importance of maintaining a healthy body mass index?
More than 60 percent of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, creating many health problems , including an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, varicose veins, and even some types of cancer. BMI: An Indicator of Weight Status , the body mass index (BMI) is a quick and easy way to see if your weight is within the normal or average range for your height. Its just a basic calculation using the ratio of your weight to your height to determine how much bodyfat you have. My BMI is 23.1%, I respect this number and those that strongly encourage and live by it too. However, I don’t think that many beginners can relate to this number and are often overwhelmed by it. Our focus with FGRB is to encourage people to get moving, change their eating habits, and work towards achieving their goals. As their interests and commitment grows, people tend to want to learn more about their BMI and other fitness calculations, especially as their goals change and their focus increases.
RYG: What’s next for the “Fit Girls ROCK B’more organization?fitgirls3
FGRB is on the move, currently we have classes in East & North West Baltimore. We offer a 60 minute boot camp style workout, that works your entire body. We work hard and make it fun. In 2014, we are partnering with other organizations and looking forward to continuing to volunteer, mentor, coach, train, participate in and sponsor fitness initiatives. Along with starting Fit Girls ROCK  the non profit organization, to allow us the ability to expand our services, partner with other non profits, and move into other states.
fitscheduleRYG: What are some way you help keep the Fit Girls and Guys focus on their goals? Words of Encouragement?
Each health and wellness journey is different, however one factor remains true…..its a choice. Each success story is made by the individual choosing to work towards reaching their fitness goals. It’s not easy and it will come with challenges, however it’s worth it! I chose me, my partners chose them too……….collectively we have lost over 300 pounds, simply by getting excited about what we were able to do with a little hard work and determination. Be encouraged and encourage another, it’s all a choice, choose YOU!
Represent the FIT YOU….

8 thoughts on “Fit Girls ROCK…

  1. I know these ladies personally and they’re about the truth no fluff. I am so proud of Erica Buffaloe and the tenaciousness in her stance to succeed to be the best shero that she can be.

    These ladies are not just partners but friends and sisters encouraging each others goals. I’m a fit girl that rocks and I think Erica for encouraging me to work out again. I would see her post on face book and one day I said I will do it again and never looked back!

    Buffaloe girl you are my Shero!

  2. Erika, I wish you much continued success on your journey.
    You have inspired many along the way including myself.
    I know you may not know that I’m proud of your accomplishments. I’ve seen and watched you grow from point A to point Z and you have made great strides.
    Continue to forge onwards and Upwards and know you can call on me for any assistance in moving your empire forward. Many blessings ahead both personally & professionally. All the Best! Peace, Love & Respect. G.Ray

  3. We are not just partners but sisters. Our commitment to help and motivate others is the driving force behind everything we do. I’m so proud and honored to be partnered with such a strong and passionate individual. Together we shall go far…. FGRB

  4. I am truly appreciative of all the comments and the interview too. I thank you all! Be encouraged and encourage another!

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