There’s A Way…

Tre L. Bryant

Facebook: TreL.Bryant / AuthorTreBryant

Grinders, I met this young lady while visiting the Charm City Direct Radio Show with Host Edigga…I have been following her since. I feel her journey will inspire you to look beyond your now into your future. Where there’s a will; there’s a way!!


RYG: Tell us about Tre’ the Author?

She is a brand in the making and in pursuit of all of her dreams and driven with God’s purpose for her. Being an author now means I have the opportunity to help people by giving back and promoting change and that is what my book was designed to do inspire and motivate. I also wear many hats and I wear them very proudly and responsibly, but foremost she’s a mom, a significant other and a star on the rise.


RYG: In your Book, “Where there’s a Will; There’s a Way” you have so much informational advice. How did you keep your “Will” when your focus became foggy?

I kept in my faith and continuous prayer just as I do today. I was also blessed with the love of my life my soulmate and my angel here on earth that offered me the guidance and helped me focus on what matter most and that was sharing my story with the sole intent to help others. Between all of that and God’s grace I found my way out during one of the most difficult times of my life and now I see things in a whole new light

RYG: Would you give us a passage from your book? Why did you choose this?trebook

” I still get vivid memories of being grabbed tightly around my neck and the tight grip of his hands preventing screams from escaping my lungs. Along with the continuous flow of tears, my breathing became shallow and I felt like I was slipping away”. I chose this excerpt because it was my reality for years and I am no longer ashamed of it. I allowed myself to be disrespected and mistreated in hopes of someday finding happiness and the love I always wanted. When I read this I remember how sad and depressed I was but now that is a thing of my past.

RYG: I hear there is a magazine in the works. Tell us about it.

Yes, I am currently the Vice President of Social Media and Public Relations for Urban Image online magazine. It truly was an honor to be given such a opportunity to help relaunch the magazine. I am excited about the opportunity and I have also been blessed with a great team to help in rebuilding its brand.

RYG: Words of Inspiration.

Be a blessing to someone who needs it and you shall be blessed in return. Just by being a blessing to someone you never know how your blessings will be returned to you. I am a living witness because I have truly been blessed beyond words and I am so very thankful.

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