Madea is having a baby…

Hey Grinders…Madea went to jail, had witness protection, and has a happy family because Madea is having a baby!!

I know by now… everyone has heard the news of Tyler Perry and his on again/off again girlfriend; Gelila Beleke, having a baby, but Gelila has a boyfriend, Mmmmm.

Reportedly, someone at his 45th Birthday party in Hollywood couldn’t wait until the clock struck twelve to spill the beans to Media Takeout about the pregnancy and tylerperryBeleke relationship with another man who was also at the party (source say). Now, everyone is assuming that the pregnancy was arranged and Tyler has a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend.  What!!! I felt the same way!!!

I just want to know; who in the world is that source …that’s why you shouldn’t invite everyone to your parties because one or two are coming to make money off you…broke tail.


Also during his party, “Broke Tail” reported; Tyler said he is GAY!!! With a show of hands, who felt he was/is or isn’t?

Ok…ok…I will get to everyone!!


Well, regardless of Tyler’s gay or not to be gay…I am happy for Tyler Perry, Gelila Beleke, her boyfriend and Tyler’s boyfriend…if there is one!

Let me know how you feel about the news…can’t wait to hear from you.

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